Kiah is a roller-coaster ride of emotions that can change quick, however Kiah knows when to pick her battles. Its most noticeable when she “thinks” someone is attacking her character (or the person she wants to be known as). We have seen elements of self-esteem issues that she covers up with boastful statements. Kiah likes to be a leader at times that its best that she follows (e.g. parent relationships, teacher vs. student). Most of her troubles have come from school and in the home, therefore this is the main area Kiah must learn to navigate in order to avoid future court involvement. We have worked with Kiah for 6 months on these concerns, however I feel that she will continue to need assist especially during her transition back to the
Currently, Jaikayliah is enrolled in school full-time at Churchland Middle School. In the last three months, Jaikayliah has attended school regularly, but there has been intervention by school administration. Jaikayliah is currently failing math and physical science. She has A's in academic lab and health and physical education. She also has C's in English and US History. Jaikayliah is currently not involved in any school activities, but reports an interest in participating in track. Jaikayliah believes school is beneficial to her and her placement at Churchland Middle School is appropriate. Mr. Wilson reported historically Jaikayliah has done well in school and has never repeated a grade. Jaikayliah has a history of requiring mediation from school officials and being defiant. Her defiance is usually in the form of verbal disrespect or
Autumn S. is a twelve-year old girl who presented at a short-term residential facility after a violent assault on her adoptive mother. This was not her first violent episode. She has a long history of violence towards herself, most notably a history of hitting her head against the wall when she is upset. This behavior is serious and has led to her being treated in the Emergency Room for concussions. She has also assaulted a number of same-age peers and younger children. She and her older brother engaged in a group assault on one of their good friends, hitting him with backpacks full of books. She also attempted to drown her younger cousin after an altercation in a wading pool. It required two adults to pull her off of the younger child. This violence has resulted in various problems in Autumn's life. She has been in trouble in school because of violence towards classmates, and has been targeted by other children because of her violent behavior towards others. She has been in trouble in the home because of her violence. She has even been in trouble with the law, as her most recent violent attack against her adoptive mother was of sufficient severity that a neighbor intervened and called the police.
Currently, Keshawna is enrolled in school full-time, as a 9th grade student at East End Academy in Newport News, Virginia. She is there through the Virginia Independent Clinical Assessment Program (VICAP) process, and she is receiving day treatment services while there. In the last three months, Keshawna has some full day unexcused absences, and there has been intervention by school administration. Keshawna's performance at school is not promising; she is averaging C- or
Victoria is a 15-year-old Caucasian female living with her father Scott in Allentown PA. Victoria attends Raub Middle School and is in the 8th grade. Victoria was referred by Children and Youth due to negative and runaway behaviors. Victoria was not attending school and had missed 22 out of 38 days of school. Victoria is in jeopardy of failing the 8th grade. Victoria is also engaging in negative activities in the community getting in trouble with negative peers. Victoria engages in runaway behaviors and has been known to stay out for days without any communication with her family. There are also concerns with youth using marijuana while out with her peers.
The failure of Rome’s economy contributed majorly to the fall of Rome. The Roman Economy during the late Republic and Early Empire was based heavily on Agriculture and Commerce. Agriculture in ancient Rome was not only a necessity, but was idealized among the social elite as a way of life. Cicero had considered agriculture to be the best of all Roman Occupations (Sarudy). There had been a lot of trading between the provinces of the empire, and all regions of the empire were largely economically interdependent. Egypt was also important in providing wheat to Rome. Shipments of Egyptian wheat may have amounted to 20 million modii (an Ancient Roman measurement) or more annually. Twenty million modii of wheat was nearly enough for up to half
Kaleb has one full brother, x2 half sibling and one stepsister. Over the past several years, Mr. Polk (biological father) and Ms. Partin (step mother)reported having sought treatment for Kalb’s history of disruptive and disruptive behaviors, including bed-wetting, lying, stealing, aggression with siblings and peers, defiance, vandalism, fire-setting, smearing feces on the wall, breaking and entering into a neighbor’s home to play video games. The caregivers stated seeking out services with numerous outpatient clinics. He is scheduled to go before the school board and face expulsion after engaging in this 14th infraction of the school year, 4 of which were assault. His biological mother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has a history of domestic violence and heroin use, which Kaleb has attested to witnessing. Biological mother currently incarcerated for violation of probation. She has 16 felonies for multiple grand larcenies, obtaining money by false pretense, and forgery. His mother has not been involved in his life since
I am currently doing my field practicum at an agency named Quality Care and Advocacy Group (QCAG). QCAG is a therapeutic clinic that provides an assortment of mental health services to clients that need their psychological needs met. Some of the of the services provided at the agency are in-home counseling, behavior aid, family therapy, individual counseling, life skills, and crisis intervention. Our clients’ ages range from children to adults. Many have acute emotional and psychological disorders that they are struggling to overcome in their life. My caseload typically consists of children, elementary to middle school age. My client is an eight-year-old African American male. My client currently resides with his mother and step-father. He has a younger sister that is one-year-old and his mother is presently pregnant with another girl. The client’s natural father was murdered several months ago. The mother reported that the client feels some anxiety over his father’s death and frequently states that he misses him. The client has a strained relationship with his step-father and habitually opposes his rules. The client has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). This causes him to misbehave at home and school. The client repeatedly engages in altercations with other students and even staff. The client will attack students and staff with pencils by attempted to stab them. The mother has been called to the
As a colony of the British, Canada has drastically changed over time as it has gained autonomy and self-government. With this, the country has formed its own system of government, federalism, outlined in the Constitution Act of 1867 (formerly BNA Act 1867). Federalism is a form of government in which power from the Constitution is equally distributed between the federal and provincial authorities. This entailed that issues regarding national or international affairs would fall under federal jurisdiction, while local or provincial matters would fall under provincial jurisdiction. Although considered, Unitary and Confederal government systems were ultimately omitted as sovereignty would have resided with a central government and member states,
In addition: Kayla’s trouble started about the seventh grade. Her attitude changed she started lying on a regular basis and twisting the truth to stir things up. Kayla is a sociopath. In high school things continued to spiral downhill. I had parents and teachers approaching me stating Kayla was smoking and hanging out the drug kids. One parent approached me in Walmart and she was not quiet about the issue. She would smell like smoke. I would find lighters in her possession. She would question me to why her teeth were getting yellow. I advised her to stop smoking. She denied
First, Buck was a domesticated dog living at a ranch in the Santa Clara Valley of California. Stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska, he reverts to a wild state. Buck is forced to fight in order to dominate other dogs in a harsh climate. Eventually he sheds the layer of civilization, relying on primordial instincts and learned experience to emerge as a leader in the wild.
Baker, M. (2010). Developing a Mindset to Help You Make the Most of Challenging Times. Siliconindia, 13(4), 33.
Most people face self esteem problems at different levels. At some point in life people face this problem without realizing it. In the essay The Trouble with Self-Esteem written by Lauren Slater starts of by demonstrating a test. Self esteem test that determines whether you have a high self-esteem or low self-esteem. The question to be answered however is; what is the value and meaning of self-esteem? The trouble with self-esteem is that not everyone approaches it properly, taking a test or doing research based of a certain group of people is not the way to do so.
Self-acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation, social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also unintentionally encouraged self-judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker’s presentation as she showed us how to recognize our self-worth. Confidence and self-esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest yourself of. Self-acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to pursue a life full of love and jubilance.
Insecurity drills a hole into a person’s heart, minimizes their integrity, and accumulates as plaque build up, hindering any kind of future growth. Just as any human being’s growth is stifled by the insecurity within them, the United States as a whole suffers the same from its own tremendous amount of insecurity. This lack of acknowledgement of self-worth causes a ghastly chain reaction; people tend to pursue the wrong ideals, become corrupt, and inevitably lead themselves to their own demise. Insecurity is a route to destruction, and America is speeding down that road to dissolution.
Most people think that peer pressure is one of the leading cause of low self-esteem ,we read about young adult going through teen issues such as bullying , fighting and many more other issues but in 2017 things have changed .Many teenagers are obsessed with social media sites such as Facebook, Snap chat, or even Instagram . these sites were either design for reconnection with lost family or friends to showing people bit a piece what you do on a day to day basis but now that’s not the case. Self -esteem is when an individual has confidence and satisfaction in themselves with the changes in how social media works in this day and age self-esteem is one of the issues it affects. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and