
Key Parts Of Organizational Communication

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Definitions of Key Parts
Organizational Communication is best described by as an action that is continually evolving. In a given workplace there must be the sending and receiving of information. This concept is the central component to achieve both individual and common goals. Essentially, there would be no organization without communication.
Knowledge Management is an organization’s methodology of making their intellectual assets as fully functional, or effective as possible. This is a systematic approach organized to enhance understanding. It’s the managing of information in a way that provides an organization with a competitive advantage.
Information Systems can be summed in three words: technology, people, and process. Information …show more content…

Putting all of the Parts Together
How can organizational communication address the complex interaction of knowledge management, information systems, organizational learning, and high performance teams? These parts connect to maximize the value obtained from having Organizational Communication.
First, these parts connect to one another in a knowing organization through effective and meaningful global communication. Organizations are complex and the relationships between the parts are interrelated. Best practices emerge from the interactions between the parts. This happens through a complex network of each of the parts are woven together. There is a strong need to combine these parts for an organization to have optimal success.
Second is the emphasis on organizational communication as a process. This process yields heightening approaches to interaction in the sociotechnical knowing organization. Organizations that foster this process to take place can lead to better solutions that exceed behavioral expectations. This allows for existing market needs that could not have been foreseen before the process of organizational communication had access to it.
Third, the property of holism suggests that a system is “more than the sum of its parts.” Systems have interdependent components from the information that goes through the parts. These parts

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