
Key Factors Of Compensation

Decent Essays

Prompt 1: What key factors influence the modification or development of a compensation policy and its supporting processes? Compensation refers to any direct or indirect payment in wages (Gerhart & Milcovich, 1992). The three main functions of compensation systems are to attract employees, retain employees, and motivate desired behavior or performance. A common view is that relative pay level impacts attraction and retention while individual differences in pay impacts motivation. Having a good compensation policy/processes and ensuring that they support the organization’s business strategy is important for the success of any organization (Milkovich & Broderick, 1991). There are many different factors that impact the modification or development …show more content…

There is general agreement that the objective of job evaluation is to help achieve an acceptable pay structure by determining the relative worth of jobs and equitable pay for the internal labor market. Common job evaluation approaches include the Ranking Method (rank key jobs holistically and once ranked, you have a basis of comparison to rank other jobs), the Classification Approach (rank jobs and then differentiate them into categories of different worth), the Factor Comparison Approach (focus on job factors one at a time using direct comparison among jobs rather than with a standard set of scales and weights), and the Point Approach (specify compensable factors to be evaluated, design rating scales and weighting for each factor, apply scales to each job, and sum points across factors for each job); which is the most commonly used; however, the challenge is getting people to agree on compensable factors and how they should be weighted (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005). Compensation is a dimension of job satisfaction, and preventing pay dissatisfaction is linked to how pay differentials among jobs is determined (Milkovich,

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