
Key Differences Between Toxic And Servant Leaders

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Servant leadership is a term that has been growing in the leadership world during the last few years. This form of leadership has proven to be effective in creating productive work environments as well as happy work environments. However, servant leadership has an opponent, and that is toxic leadership. There are some key differences between the two. Some are easier to spot while others are not. In this paper we will discuss the characteristics of both toxic and servant leaders, and how to understand what they look like.
Toxic Leadership
Toxic Leadership is a growing point of discussion in the highest levels of military leadership. The phrase toxic leadership has been present since 1996(2). With increasing military suicide rates the finger has been pointed to leadership not just personal issues that the member had. (1. Forbes) A majority of the research and opinions are those of the United States Army, but I think that they are well researched and thought out. The definition of Toxic Leadership is quoted from the Army Doctrine Publications (3) “A combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and mission performance.” The biggest point to remember is that a toxic leaders can be found in a shapes, sizes and varying levels of toxicity. They can appear to their superiors as excellent performs, and receive accolades for their achievements, all while meeting many of the toxic leader

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