
Kevorich Vs Hyde

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In 1993, Thomas W. Hyde, a thirty-three year old male came to Jack Kevorich. He was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He was unable to swallow without choking, was paralyzed, and had to go through continuous suction procedures. Jack Kevorich was a pathologist who assisted in patient suicide. Kevorich hooked him up to a carbon monoxide mask. Once Thomas decided to pull a sting monoxide would flow through the mask. Twenty minutes later Thomas Hyde died. Thomas Hyde was recorded on video telling Kevorich that he wanted to end his suffering and die. Kevorich was arrested in 1992. In 1994, the Jury found Jack Kevorich not guilty of assisting in suicide. They stated that Jack was within the law because he was acting to provide relief Thomas Hyde’s pain. Kevorick stated, “You act only after it is absolutely justifiable. The patient must be mentally competent, the disease incurable,” (page 579). Jack did not continue practicing pathology. In 1998 Jack Kevorich was charged with practicing medicine without a license. He was found guilty of assisting with 42 physician assisted deaths, but later admitted to 120 assisted deaths. Michigan Legislature passed a law making physician assisted suicide against the law. …show more content…

He sent it to CBS so they could show it on Sixty Minutes. He wanted to get arrested so that he could prove that euthanasia was not a crime and that people have a right to these options. On April 13, 1999, Kevorich was found guilty of second degree murder and sentenced to 10-25 years in prison. He was released eight years later in 2007, for good behavior. He stopped assisting in suicides and passed away at age eighty-three. Jack Kevorich made a huge impact and added to the huge debate about “end-of life

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