When the video begins, the scene is very futuristic and then the amusement park is shown with the name of the amusement park being “OBLIVIA” a play on the word “oblivious” which represents being oblivious to the world around them. When Katy Perry first appears in the music video, she is the only one shown with pink hair and wearing white and blue eyeshadow, while everyone else is shown to be dressed in clothes from the 1950s and are either blonde or brunette. The people walking around the amusement park are shown wearing old fashioned clothes despite the park looking quite futuristic. At one point of the video, people are shown holding tablets and taking a photo of themselves being unaware of what is happening around them representing how we …show more content…
In the scene when the roller coaster cart flies away from the tracks into the air, it represents how we all think that we are free, but then when the cart returns back to the tracks, it represents how we are not really free. In another scene on the roller coaster, Simon is shown to have 9,478 hearts while Rose A.K.A. Katy Perry only has 17 hearts. This tackles the topic of gender inequality within our society as this indicates that men get more love than women within our society. When the music video shows the part where they gather together to watch a movie, Katy Perry’s appearance had changed; her hair went from pink to blonde, her eye shadow went from blue to pink and her clothing changed from white to a reflective material representing how she is trying to fit into the social norm and to be like everyone else. In the next scene, a family is shown where the mother is ironing while the husband is reading the newspaper which also represents the gender stereotype of how women are expected to do housework while men go out to …show more content…
“Trapped in our white picket fence,” is the next line she sings and the meaning of this line is about how we are trapped within our own “safe” place, and not aware of the events happening outside. When Katy Perry sings the line “Like ornaments,” she refers to us as ornaments, or by what ornaments indicates, it refers to us as if we are decorations. In the next two lines she sings, “So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble,” and “So comfortable we cannot see the trouble, trouble,” she is talking about how we are all unaware of the world around us and how we are all blind to the danger and harm outside around the world. After, Katy Perry sings the lines, “Aren't you lonely? Up there in utopia. Where nothing will ever be enough? Happily numb.” When she mentions utopia, which is known to be a perfect place, and she’s saying that even though utopia is supposed to be a perfect place, it has its faults when she sings “Where nothing will ever be enough?” She also mentions how people are unaware of the world around them when she sings “Happily numb.” In another line she mentions “rose-colored glasses” which represents our tendency to view one perspective only. In another line she says “Stumbling around like a wasted zombie. Yeah, we think we’re free.” which is about how we are unaware of our surroundings and things that are happening outside of
Her lyrics are very real to say, she talks about how people see other people. She also talks about how people don’t value others, and how did replace people real quick. She also states don’t think that you can have my love to waste, she is defending her honor in a way. She’s talking about how people are seen and how they are undervalued, but she is basically saying don’t undervalue me. She is saying that she’s not like everyone else, that she shouldn’t be seen as everyone else has been
Kendra Scott was an ordinary mom who was always a girly girl inside, she would even play in her aunt’s closet as a young child. However, her stepdad was diagnosed with cancer when Scott was a teenager and dropped out of school to spend time with him in the hospital. As she spent time in the hospital, she was exposed to several patients who underwent cancer treatment. It was then when Scott wanted to combine her love for fashion and her wish of helping those women who have lost their hair due to treatment. Scott then began to design specific hats for female cancer patients. In no time, Scott had already leased and opened her own hat store at only nineteen years old. Unfortunately, although Scott spent day and night working in the store, business was extremely slow.
While the statistics (logos) are being introduced, the narration and video are designed to make you feel a connection to the children in the video, by seeing children just like your own. A large diverse group of children (differing ethnicities, genders, and ages) perform a variety of actions. During the actions the narrator, who has the voice of a child, repeatedly uses terms like ‘we’ referring to children. This manner of speaking, coupled with the diverse group of children makes it easy for a parent to imagine their own children in this situation. Through the whole video a juxtaposition is created as inspiring music plays over a resonating low tone while the video itself is muted, nearly greyscale, in colour (with the exception of some red which was extremely visible in contrast).
One of the biggest country stars of the 90’s and 2000’s Faith Hill of course! Faith Hill’s movie star good looks surely helped her cause, and her much celebrated marriage to fellow country star Tim McGraw gave her a career purists, but she had the star power of a diva even before her pop success.
This song is concentrated on the social construction of reality, which talks about about how “Ideas about reality also change over time” (Newman, 53). We can see this expressed in lines 32-33 in the song : “It just ain't the same, old ways have changed/New days are strange, is the world insane…” (lines 32-33) The band states how the world’s views and attitudes have changed and how there is uncertainly for the future. The band is questioning the values that they once lived up to. “Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity/Whatever happened to the fairness in equality/ Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity/ Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity…” (lines 71-74). They imply that individuals are swaying away from their values, as a result changing their reality.
The book Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision, by Dr. Barbara Ransby was an incredible and extremely moving book. I really enjoy learning about history and significant people who have impacted the history and culture of our country. However, I have never learned of Ella Baker nor have I ever heard her name mentioned once. Barbara Ransby's book provides a well-structured and insightful biography of one of the most important, yet least well-known, leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. After reading Ransby's book, I have learned of the immense contributions that Ella Baker has contributed to history, more specifically the Civil Rights Movement. Furthermore, I have gained a greater understanding of the
Katya is a thirteen year old girl who started eighth grade year at Martin Van Murrin middle school. She left early during the day because she hated school so much. She wanted to be a naturalist after going to a summer camp. She created an essay for a scholarship to the wilderness camp. She won the scholarship and went to the camp against her parent’s wishes. She loved the camp and she hated school. She did not like school because it did not have anything to do with the outdoors. She made a binder filled with information about homeschooling. She had some example lesson plans, good reasons to be homeschooled, and bad reasons to be homeschooled. She spent a lot of time on the binder. She also made a five page essay about how good homeschooling was. She came up with schedules and told her parents it would
Over her 10 years of being in the music industry Taylor Swift has won 271 awards.
An enraged Christian mom ambushed Katy Perry’s dad and scolded him for raising a “Satanic” daughter.
When his friends called 9-1-1, they told the authorities that Travis had been complaining about Jodi stalking him, slashing his tires, and hacking his Facebook which then made her the culprit.
Dr. Heidi Kling has been a practicing Clinical Psychologist for over 16 years. Dr. Kling earned her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Adelphi University. She chose clinical Psychology because she was interested in understanding how people develop into who they are and how it is possible to help them change themselves when they are motivated to do so. Dr. Kling in her 16 years of practice has worked with a diverse population and also believes that working together with her clients has the best turnout in results. She specializes in clients with relationship issues, eating disorders, psychotherapy, depression, anxiety, loss and grief counseling, and couples counseling.
They are stuck with no free will and no sense of authenticity. In this case, society has prevented the singers from living authentic lives and has driven them to extreme conformity. Although they have accepted their fate, the singer express regret by saying “Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone. But there is really nothing, nothing we can do.” They acknowledge that they wished they could be true to themselves and live the life of their choosing, but again they say they are trapped and cannot do
To start off, the first stanza in her song represents a sense of how unavoidable change is and how the confusion of the bond combined with the stress of the blame game can lead to a doomed
The video opens with scenes from a large urban city, before flashing to a NASDAQ-style stock board featuring the phrase: “Women in power.” The stock board appears constantly throughout the remainder of the video behind the women, as the words and numbers change to include phrases such as “glass ceiling” and “feminism.” The women of Fifth Harmony are first shown in the music video confidently strutting in business suits and high heels. It should be noted men are in the back of several frames, keeping the females in the forefront of the video. As the video progresses, there are scenes depicting men in stereotypical female jobs such as assistant and secretarial positions, and men working for women in other positions such as drivers appear. One of the most prominent visuals of
“... the times we live in.” (Line 8 and 19). She repeats this phrase in the of stanza 2 and stanza three as sort of reason on why she is treated the way she is. Right now, airport security has become a lot stricter because of the looming threat of terrorist attacks. This began on 9/11; when on September 9, 2001, the twin world trade centers in New York were struck down by two planes that were struck down by two planes that were stolen by two terrorists.