
Katy Perry

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When the video begins, the scene is very futuristic and then the amusement park is shown with the name of the amusement park being “OBLIVIA” a play on the word “oblivious” which represents being oblivious to the world around them. When Katy Perry first appears in the music video, she is the only one shown with pink hair and wearing white and blue eyeshadow, while everyone else is shown to be dressed in clothes from the 1950s and are either blonde or brunette. The people walking around the amusement park are shown wearing old fashioned clothes despite the park looking quite futuristic. At one point of the video, people are shown holding tablets and taking a photo of themselves being unaware of what is happening around them representing how we …show more content…

In the scene when the roller coaster cart flies away from the tracks into the air, it represents how we all think that we are free, but then when the cart returns back to the tracks, it represents how we are not really free. In another scene on the roller coaster, Simon is shown to have 9,478 hearts while Rose A.K.A. Katy Perry only has 17 hearts. This tackles the topic of gender inequality within our society as this indicates that men get more love than women within our society. When the music video shows the part where they gather together to watch a movie, Katy Perry’s appearance had changed; her hair went from pink to blonde, her eye shadow went from blue to pink and her clothing changed from white to a reflective material representing how she is trying to fit into the social norm and to be like everyone else. In the next scene, a family is shown where the mother is ironing while the husband is reading the newspaper which also represents the gender stereotype of how women are expected to do housework while men go out to …show more content…

“Trapped in our white picket fence,” is the next line she sings and the meaning of this line is about how we are trapped within our own “safe” place, and not aware of the events happening outside. When Katy Perry sings the line “Like ornaments,” she refers to us as ornaments, or by what ornaments indicates, it refers to us as if we are decorations. In the next two lines she sings, “So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble,” and “So comfortable we cannot see the trouble, trouble,” she is talking about how we are all unaware of the world around us and how we are all blind to the danger and harm outside around the world. After, Katy Perry sings the lines, “Aren't you lonely? Up there in utopia. Where nothing will ever be enough? Happily numb.” When she mentions utopia, which is known to be a perfect place, and she’s saying that even though utopia is supposed to be a perfect place, it has its faults when she sings “Where nothing will ever be enough?” She also mentions how people are unaware of the world around them when she sings “Happily numb.” In another line she mentions “rose-colored glasses” which represents our tendency to view one perspective only. In another line she says “Stumbling around like a wasted zombie. Yeah, we think we’re free.” which is about how we are unaware of our surroundings and things that are happening outside of

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