
Katrina break down Essay

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Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive? Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises, what are the management or efficiency arguments for and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina? Why would we not want to have a federal fire department? If the federal government tells the states and cities they will receive no assistance in the event of a disaster, what do you think will happen? personal responsibility and neighborly concern is a superior substitute for government intervention.” Clearly, Landy conceptualizes federalism as being composed of four dimensions: three levels of government and the civic …show more content…

If indeed a major, or perhaps even the major, cause of death from Katrina was a failure to obey a mandatory evacuation order, this puts the whole Katrina problem in a different light. It shifts the blame from errors made by the various levels of government to the actions of the populace itself. Case Questions 1. Which of the three perspectives do you find most persuasive? Least persuasive? Support your answer. 2. Much of the debate over the response to Hurricane Katrina centers on the question of the division of responsibility among different levels of government—local, state, and federal. If the federal government played a more aggressive role—say, taking command of all response All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization 9781111632366, Managing the Public Sector, Grover Starling - © Cengage Learning. 156 Part One POLITICAL MANAGEMENT efforts and placing them in the hands of the regular army—would that violate tenets of federalism, specific provisions of the Constitution, and specific statutes (such as the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits military participation in law enforcement)? What other legal options are there besides giving the federal government a more powerful role? 3. Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises,

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