
Kate Forester Research Paper

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Kate forester Terrorist attacks may happen anywhere, anytime, on the face of this planet. Just as the bus hijacking in after the first death. The same could happen in your town. Kate forester, is a young slender gal no older than 16. She has blond hair that could match honey syrup that wore a dazzling yellow jersey. Sixteen year old Kate is the bus driver of 16 young innocent children in a little town of Hallowell, Massachusetts. Little did Kate know her bus would be hijacked by two boys and held hostage, Miro and Artkin were the boys. Miro itching for a man to kill stumbled upon a bus. A few hundred yards in the distance Miro and Artkin both ponding, hijack the bus, and take it to the bridge. To their surprise the hijacking went very swiftly almost better than planned at first. Hijacking the bus was almost second nature taking them a matter of seconds. To one watching would have as if Miro and Artkin where rehearsing a play they have done many times before, but this was no play this was the real deal. They found the driver to be no man indeed, it was a girl, Kate forester. …show more content…

It seem that way to Kate anyhow; giving each child a piece of chocolate. However, it was not ones normal piece of chocolate. This chocolate had been drugged. So when consumed made one act like zombies. The children, all 15. Yes, I said 15. Where "sitting like small robots whose motor had run down". (Nicholas Pg.75) The 16th child pretended to sit like a robot with his motor run down to be a representation of the drugged children. Smart kid wouldn't you say? His reason for not eating the chocolate was his mother did not let him eat any candy or chew gum. He later responded he'd thank his mother for that for the pretty teeth he'd have later in

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