
Karp's And Handler Definition Of Museum

Decent Essays

Webster’s dictionary defines a museum as an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting value. Before I have taken this museum anthropology course, I felt that Webster’s definition of a museum provided me, my own interpretation of what a museum is based upon my past experiences visiting them. However, my definition of a museum has drastically changed since I started to read the first set of assigned articles. Both Karp’s and Handler’s articles provide their interpretations of a museum by examining the social and political implications museums provide to its visitors. Handler’s article defines a museum as a “institution in which social relationships are oriented in terms of a collection of objects which are made meaningful by those relationships—though these …show more content…

An example from the article, contrasts the social relationships between museum insiders and a group of Native Americans during an traveling exhibit. The museum insiders will form their social relationship by comparing each insiders past experiences of the daily activities happening in the professional museum world such as recent exhibits or conferences (Handler 1993:33). However, the Native American group will form a social relationship based upon on the renewal of their community relations as a way to honor their ancestors, to promote Native American history, and to express cultural vitality for the future generation (Handler 1993:33). If Handler’s definition of a museum is based upon the social relationships of the museum visitors share amongst each other by examining the object, then why do museum visitors looking at an object will value the object in a different manner. Karp’s article focuses on this dilemma by examining the political implications museums have in shaping our

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