
Karl Marx And Manifesto Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Philosophy has shaped the world in almost everything we have done. Philosophy causes everyone to at least question the norms of society and situations. This makes a healthy pattern for society. If we never were to question anything we would just be blind sheep who follow whatever they are told. Many philosophers challenge the norms in a hope to make things better. Karl Marx and Buddha were very influential people in the world of Philosophy and are some of the pioneers of challenging the routine and normal perception of things and ideas. They had their own ideas that helped shaped the practices and things that people do today. They both can be very different in how they would answer basic questions regarding philosophy. Even though, they …show more content…

Marx would think that human ignorance would come from greed and lack of knowledge. With his views on Capitalistic systems you could understand that he thinks money and ignorance play into the unfair Capitalist system. He believed people are ignorant of the people around them and it is in our nature to do so. In most situations we are ignorant due to greed and knowledge. According to Karl Marx’s Social and Political Thoughts, “Only ignorance, religious superstition, and selfishness stood in the way of the needed resolution and reconstruction.” Marx says that ignorance is one of the factors in stopping a full change in any system. Marx especially believed this for the capitalistic system. What would Karl marx think of how to achieve enlightenment? Enlightenment in a philosophical standpoint would to be aware and self acting of your actions and not controlled by outside beings or thinkers. Karl Marx would think that enlightenment would be when one is not ignorant of the situation around them and to lose the power of greed and money in one's life. Marx would aline with a socialist perspective of enlightenment which in his eyes would be to free himself and everyone from the chains of a corrupt system. According to Cyril Smith in the Hegel, Marx and the Enlightenment: an Interim Report, “It was this Enlightenment conception which underlay the idea of nearly all varieties of socialism. The socialists wanted to overcome the lunacy of

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