
Kant's Controversy

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An Individual's autonomy can be altered or swayed by many different life circumstances, stages of human life, religion or faith and its many practices as well as mental capacity and comprehension. In regards to my own understanding towards the required reading it gives many compare and contrast between similar yet controversial topics one being of faith and religion another being that of an individual that is experiencing the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Compared to one of Jehovah's Witness' whom is making a decision based on a scriptural doctrine. The examples and practices of these two opposite and controversial topics have absolutely nothing to do with each other, however, I understand how an individual uneducated about the faith can be baffled.
Kants' belief system appears as very logical in the sense we cannot have a full understanding of information we are essentially unaware of due to the fact that knowledge doesn’t absorb into our consciousness from osmosis. The mind is a very powerful muscle and is capable of …show more content…

One of Jehovah's Witness refusing the transmission of blood based on scriptural doctrine to abstain from blood not due to being bipolar experiencing a manic episode is a conscious matter not a chemically induced one. To also note the Kantian theory is the idea of a higher moral principle of what is truly right and wrong. Intriguingly enough ones moral compass or belief system can be retailored due to life circumstances. That another individual cannot give their own experiences too because they have not lived for the original person. Therefore, as long as what someone does isn't harming another human being and is not inhuman to themselves why should any outside party attempt to alter the decision of an

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