
Kantian Ethics Research Paper

Decent Essays

Morals are sometimes known to be a tricky thing. Most everyone around the world has morals, but they all have a different meaning. In a standard definition, morals are “standards of behavior; principles of right and wrong” (Moral). People judge how they should act or respond to things based upon their morals. In addition, people rely on other standards to apply as well as their own. People relate with others moral codes to increase or change their own ideas. They follow how others have responded to a situation that could be very unfamiliar to them in hopes that the situation will become clearer. I am going to show some influential philosophers and their morality, as well as try to explain how I incorporate many philosopher’s morals and ethical systems into my own code.
A few very influential philosophers that I relate towards include Immanuel Kant or “Kantian ethics”, Aristotle, and David Hume. In addition, I can relate and sometimes base my moral code on the …show more content…

However, I honestly don’t think I could pick just one system or person to base my personal code of morals on. My beliefs and self-set standards differ just as Aristotle, Immanuel Kant’s, and David Hume’s do. Along with many others, I see and relate to many different situations in a variety of ways and therefore need different moral systems to rationally decide. Accordingly, I try to differentiate between “how things are, and how things should be” with my morals (Vaughn, 275).
“Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worth of happiness. -Immanuel Kant (Vaughn, 276).” Kant is known for the deontological view of ethics. He argued that “the supreme principle of morality is a standard of rationality that he dubbed the

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