
Kant And John Stuart Mill Similarities

Decent Essays

During the 18th century and beyond, there was a lot of discussion over many topics in the world and one of those topics so happened to be about morality. Morality is the distinction of knowing what is right and wrong and good or bad behavior. This subject matter can be a plain black and white outline or there can be a gray area. This is discussed by two philosophers; Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. Both have different ideas about morality, but with these differences, there are similarities hidden within their thoughts and opinions. Kant believes that morality and duty go hand in hand. In a more logical way of explaining this, he believes that people should do good things for each other because they are acting with a good will. When people act according to principle, that is true morality, not thinking about the consequences of their actions whenever the consequences are good or bad. When people think about the action they are doing, then they fail to have a driving force of duty, in return, they fail to have a good sense of moral.
Mill on the …show more content…

Although they have separate opinions, there are similarities in them. Both Kant and Mill agree that each action leads to a right and wrong moral ground without any in between. They do have different ideas about this subject matter, but with their two separate theories and ideas, it concludes that there is a cut and dry method of morality. Along with having an understanding about the existence of a right and wrong moral ground, Kant and Mill agree that there is a driving force with mortality. There is some type of force that urges people to do what is right in the world. The driving forces are different, of course; Kant believes that it is the sense of duty that has people do the right thing without thinking about the consequences while Mill argues that it is happiness and people’s desire to be happy is the driving

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