
Kairos Retreat Analysis

Decent Essays

I found my Kairos retreat to be a valuable experience because I was able to learn so much about not only myself, but about that people that I have been going to school with for the past three years. On my Kairos retreat, I took the time to learn about my classmates and what they had been going through in life, and it really put in perspective for me that a lot of the time I am experiencing similar situations which made me feel not alone and gave me the courage to tell my own story. Also, I received perspectives on issues that I was not familiar other people were experiencing, or issues I never really thought about having a lasting impact. On Kairos I pushed away all preconceived ideas I had about my classmates and truly listened to their stories. …show more content…

I felt so loved and deeply connected with God, and all I wanted was for others to feel the same way. In my heart I knew it was inevitable that in my life I would not always feel as free and loved as I did on this journey, but I hoped I would able to look back on my time at Kairos and be able to recall how much the retreat meant to me and be grateful for the time spent there. I decided that to live the fourth I would maintain this spirit of love and acceptance by understanding other’s stories and really getting to know people before I judge them. My first time back visiting St. Coleman’s after Kairos gave me a new perspective on all the people there, as people living in poverty are so often labeled as people who do not work or they must have done something to be in this situation, but in reality it is often not the case. This particular day in March that I visited Saint Coleman’s was the director of the meal program’s last day. The past twenty years that Eileen had worked at Saint Coleman’s she touched the lives of hundreds of people who walked through those doors on Saturday looking for a place to go and a hot meal to eat. Even I, who had seen Eileen work only the past three years, felt myself getting teary eyed as she said goodbye to all of the people. Eileen is an inspiration to me in my efforts to live the fourth through love and acceptance and she always

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