
Kahlo Flipped Hair 1940

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Self-portrait with Cropped Hair 1940, Here Kahlo explores the social construct of a "woman". With this painting she is challenging and interpreting the cultural definition of femininity. This self portrait Kahlo eliminates all the social norms of being a woman in society. She does this by cropping all her hair which is one of the defining elements of a female, looses the Mexican dresses for which many of her paintings hold and loosing the modest posture instead taking a stern stance. Transgression is seemed even till this day a very daring act even though cross dressing dates back to biblical scripture (Deuteronomy 22:5).The way a person dresses places them in different social classes and enables people to differentiate the gender split. Even though we …show more content…

Kahlo's gaze is stern and straight towards the viewer engaging them and almost forcing them to see her as a female. She holds a lot of power in this painting and she does this simply by her confidence in her stance she purposefully has her legs spread apart to resemble confident masculine qualities. By placing her-self in this type of dressing and manipulating her body in this way she is ultimately declaring her independence. And even after the act of cutting the hair is done she still holds on to the scissors implying that she is deliberately making the viewer aware that she physically did this to symbolise her cutting away parts of her femininity. However not all is lost she still keeps her earrings and her high heeled shoes to leave somewhat of an indication that she is still a female even after this transformation, as if not to let go completely of what she really is. Her face gives little away about her emotions or feelings yet she boldly renders herself in such shocking paintings of herself. She does this intentionally to give a sense of

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