
Juvenile Justice Essay

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In today’s society, it would be assumptive that the juvenile justice system would take the necessary precautions to preserve and or rehabilitate the juveniles that are present in its system. With this in mind adolescents still, face sentencing of life without the possibility of parole and trials transferred to adult court. When you think of adolescence, the term development or puberty may come to mind. Teens or pre- teens are still in developmental stages of their lives and tend not to think or act on the level that an adult would. Juvenile justice focuses on the mere ideal that juveniles are not adults and should not be treated or tried as such. Heinous crimes, such as murder, could possibly draw a wedge between this thought. Taking the life …show more content…

On my behalf, there is no compliance to the sentencing made as well as how things played out in these court cases. In addition, there is no compliance in the charge of murder a lesser charge could have been presented to include the circumstances of each of the individuals. Additionally, there is no compliance on the option to transfer the cases from juvenile court to adult court. In Colorado’s story, that characterized the peak in crime between the years of 1992 to 1993, there was no compliance in how there came the option to give harsher punishments. There is no impression that a harsher sentencing would have prevented crime during that time in the cases presented with the level of abuse endured by the accused something violent was bound to happen sooner than later. In addition, during the trial of the second case, violence was still at its peak in Colorado and the Columbine shootings could have influenced the outcome of the verdicts in the case. As for compliance, all would agree that some level of punishment should follow the malicious act of murder. The length of punishment is where the controversy came in the cases present. Joining with the parents in the second case forming an organization is a good approach in preventing similar outcomes in future cases. It is agreeable that educating the public and working with state legislature will aid in delayed life sentencing in juvenile

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