
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Strategies Paper

Satisfactory Essays

As the new Chief of Police for the city of Memphis, I would implement various strategies in order to combat the juvenile delinquent problem in the city. The first strategy would include maintaining data-driven policing through mapping and analysis of statistical information gathered through a variety of sources including an integrated approach of surveillance in targeted crime hot spots. My next strategy would be to help all branches of local law enforcement facilitate appropriate referrals to prevention and intervention programs for juveniles. I would also implement a mentoring program for those in my police department to become mentors for youth in the community to help encourage them to leave the gang lifestyle. I would also have monthly meetings with citizens in my community to get their input on various approaches that could be taken to help reduce gangs and juvenile affiliation with gangs.

I would implement these strategies because Memphis is a city with a history of having some of the highest crime and youth violence rates in the country. Both public and private community leaders understand how this distinction hampers our community goals, including maintaining vibrant businesses and tourism industry and attracting new families and companies to the area. Violence destroys quality of life and diminishes the freedom, health, and prosperity of individuals, families, and communities. Lack of public safety is not a standalone problem; it is linked to a city’s economic health, quality of education, and other community goals. Accordingly, lower rates of crime are essential to the increased economic growth and prosperity of our city.

Reference …show more content…

(2011). An initiative of operation: Safe Community. Retrieved from

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