
Justin Lemoine Persuasive Speech

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Justin Lemoine In a tragic accident with a semi and a farmer on interstate I-94, Justin Lemoine and Caleb Kadrmas both passed away at the age of (20). Caleb and Justin pulled over to help the sheep that got his head stuck in the fence. Justin got out of the vehicle and went to the sheep then he waved at Caleb to help him; Justin watched the semi swerved onto the shoulder and hit Caleb. Justin turned around and there was a person standing there with a gun. It was the farmer; he raised his gun and pulled the trigger. Justin passed away at that very moment. Justin’s family stated that they were on their way back home from college. Their belongings were returned to the families and Caleb’s vehicle was not damaged. Day 1: Terri, Justin’s mom has been crying all day along with the whole family. Grieving over the loss of Justin they haven’t answered the door all day to collect the food that friends have brought over. …show more content…

The party lasted all night long, Justin’s family did not like this at all. They all argued over the funeral arrangements that night. Justin’s sister, Krissy, says “ why are we arguing about this you guys will wait until the last minute to get it done you guys always do”. Day 3: On the third day of Justin not being alive his mom is still crying she has been up for 3 days straight now. She gets a call from an anonymous number she answers it “Hello” no one answers then all of a sudden its Justin saying, “I want to be cremated now!!”. Phone hangs up; she starts crying again. Day 4: Finally the family has figured out what they wanted to do. Justin was going to be cremated and there is going to be a funeral at the local church. As the family is gathering pictures and setting things up at the church. Friends of Justin walks in and Justin’s mom freaks out and starts throwing the flowers they just set up, at his friends telling them to F off and get the hell out for no

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