
Just World Hypothesis

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Lerner’s Just World Hypothesis basically suggests that good people should have good things happen to them and bad people should have bad things happen to them. This is a view that is typically held by right-wingers and religious people. In this ambiguous world, it is much easier for someone to believe that a stripper deserved to be murdered because she was a “bad” person and to think that their spouse, son, daughter, or parent is safe from harm because he or she is a “good” person. Lerner’s Just World hypothesis can be applied to a 2 x 2 research design. If one is good, one will be rewarded. If one is bad, one will not be rewarded. If one is good, one will not be punished. If one is bad, one will be punished. In research, we work with …show more content…

While the absence of situational information in the face of prior beliefs makes for a big deal, the presence of situational information in the face of prior beliefs is one of the central themes of this class. An example would be if someone believed that gay marriage was wrong, but they were presented with scientific evidence that proved being gay was genetic as well as a friend who had just come out as being gay. One of these things alone is enough to make someone uncomfortable. This person’s prior beliefs about gay marriage probably tie in with religion, which was probably taught to them by their parents. The cognitive dissonance in this situation is enormous. Does this person give up their prior beliefs in light of this new information, or do they stick with their prior beliefs in despite of the new situational information. That’s it. That is the psychology behind religion and other beliefs that we are trying to get at. In Siddhartha, Siddhartha gives up his comfortable life in search of a more purposeful life. Would someone be willing to give up their prior beliefs if they were given new situational information? I think that’s one of the questions we are undoubtedly trying to get

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