
Just Married By Gary Thomas

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Tom and Sara from the movie “Just Married,” had many marital struggles ranging from lies, not consistently respecting each other, and most important of all, they both were married too soon. Furthermore, before their wedding Sara had cheated on Tom and did not tell him prior to getting married. And Tom lied about how their dog had died. In addition, they have personal problems they needed to work on, such as, Tom and his major anger issues that result in arguing irrationally. Sara went to her ex lovers friends house while out on her honeymoon, granted her husband went out to watch a dodgers baseball game, however, that is no reason to do what Sara had done. In relation to the speech by Gary Thomas, this couple needs a lot of work. For example, the physical …show more content…

The best advice one should give Tom and Sara is to respect one another, and not focus on a worldly relationship understanding, which consists of sexual chemistry, romantic attraction and relational compatibility just as Gary Thomas describes. Sexual chemistry is important, but for a healthy relationship one should not rely on that to sustain a relationship. Sara and Tom at some point did not even want to have sex because they were so sick of each other, even though they had sex all the time before their honeymoon. Both spouses were selfish, and did not engage with each other’s lives. For example, Sara could have gone to see the game with Tom even though it was not what she wanted to do. Tom could put his wife and her feelings before a baseball game. And what had drawn the line by the end of their struggles

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