
Just A Little Lie Summary

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The article “Just a Little Lie”, discussed a study that researchers from University College London and Duke University designed that was aimed to test dishonesty in people when given the incentive to lie. The study was published in Nature Neuroscience, on October 2016. The study sampled participants who gave their consent to be apart of the study. Participants were paired with their partner, and they “were shown a large, high-resolution photo of a jar full of pennies for three seconds.” Their partner, in another room was shown a smaller photo of the jar, but the photo was unclear and they were only able to look at it for one second. Both were then asked to estimate how much money was in the jar. They were told that their partner also had to estimate how much money was in the jar and they needed to help their partners in the estimation. At this point in the experiment, participants had no incentive to lie about the amount of money in the jar. Researchers then observed the estimations from each partner. …show more content…

They told some participants that “both they and their partners would benefit by receiving monetary compensation if the amount of money was overestimated. Other participants were told “that either they or their partners would benefit.” These scenarios were created to give participants a reason to lie. They were deceived to believe that by lying about the amount of money in a jar and over estimating the money, it would benefit them personally. Researchers observed that participants were more likely to lie when they could benefit from the estimation. According to study coauthor and lab director Tali Sharon, participants tended to lie more as the experiment increase. One little lie led to an even bigger

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