
Jurassic Park Movie Vs Book

Decent Essays

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton is superior to Steven Spielberg's movie version. Reading the book by Michael Crichton it was a very interactive book with the science behind the park; Steven Spielberg’s movie briefly goes over the science. Throughout the book version of Jurassic park by Michael Crichton its very superior through the way he tells the story making all scenes full of action that allow your mind to envision different scenes easily. Spielberg’s version cuts out many of the bigger scenes that take up most of the book that are action packed.
Stephen Spielberg’s movie leaves out lots of important plots described in Michael Crichton’s book in many places throughout his movie. In the beginning of the book a little girl is attacked which added …show more content…

Spielberg describes in the movie “When Mike had first reached Tina, she was screaming hysterically. (15) Her whole arm was bloody, covered with a profusion of small bites, each the size of a thumbprint; and there were flecks of sticky foam on her arm, like a foamy saliva” (15). When Spielberg takes Tina out of the movie the importance of the knowing that the dinosaurs have made it to the mainland is not relevant to the movie anymore.
Action is what Crichton likes to focus on in a lot of his books. Every scene throughout the book always has an importance to the next. One of the biggest scenes takes up a large part of the book, it's actioned packed and leads to what happens next in the book. Crichton describes the scene “The tyrannosaur threw its head back and opened its jaws wide, showing rows of curved teeth, and then in a great muscular spasm lunged forward to

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