
Junior Counselor Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

In between my eighth grade and my ninth grade year I had an opportunity to help me grow and expand my leadership skills. It was to become a junior counselor at my church bible camp. I would be able to bring gods light to kids and also help relieve the counselors so called weight of responsibilities by taking some responsibilities. I denied it and I really wish I had not because after some thought I decided to give the junior counselor (JC) thing a shot the summer after my ninth grade year. That first year of JC’ing I realized what I had missed the previous year. I was able to enjoy the same fun experiences at camp but have more freedom, which came along with the responsibilities. I learned how to be a proper disciple towards my campers I was …show more content…

The results were not nearly as I had imagined them. Fast forward to the summer after my junior year in high school and I am attending the same camp again, not as a camper, but as a Junior counselor that has been here for 3 straight years. One of the oldest JC’s still attending the camp. And I enjoyed every bit of the weeks I spent there. Switching subjects, I’d like to tell you about how one of my most recent decisions was not the smartest and how it has shaped me in this current year. That decision had to do with my pride versus reality, and you might be able to relate to a time when your pride was too great so that it caused a predicament in your life. This all started in my first semester at CLC through the post-secondary program at Pillager. I had gotten a great score on my accuplacer which let me skip right past college algebra and move into pre-calculus. So one might saw that my problem all started when I got my score report on the accuplacer. After seeing the results, I had found this sense of “invincibleness” thinking that I will be just fine going straight into pre-calc. that’s where I messed up I was cocky then to prideful to get help. I was doing fine with my homework getting anywhere between

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