
Junglepussy's Song Analysis

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“The most disrespected woman in America, is the black woman.” Malcolm X exclaimed in the year 1962 at the funeral for a comrade killed by the LAPD (X). It is a bold statement that still rings true even now in 2018. Black women are in an unfortunate position to be settled at the intersection of racism and misogyny, receiving hate not only from the white community, but from men in their own community too. The rapper Junglepussy takes the unwarranted discriminations and turn them on its head. In her album Pregnant with Success, she conjures up a story of black love, confidence, and fulfillment. Junglepussy created an album that embodies her self-actualization that inspires black women and others to adopt the same mentality. Throughout our society, …show more content…

Moreover, her delivery of these lyrics are done in a soft melodic, song-like style over a smooth beat that juxtaposes beautifully with her fierce words. It mirrors her acceptance over the situation and proud reclamation of her body. When I mentioned that this album is about black love, it was not done with romantic relationships in mind. It was done in the vein of self-love, however, I feel that the term black love encapsulates the love of one self already even though most consider love to involve another person. Junglepussy internalizes this assessment of love with herself as a woman and the color of her skin. In hip-hop, the image of a confident dark-skin black emcee who celebrates her person including her sexuality is difficult to come by. The lack of representation of these women are not due to a low quantity of women having these traits, but it is due to the fact that their pushed out the scene by their male counterparts. In hip-hop, for a female emcee to succeed or even gain some relevance, it is usually required for a male emcee to cosign her and mold her to his standards. Junglepussy does not adhere to the protocol and promptly tell these male-critics of hers to fuck-off with these lyrics in her song “Get it Right”: Head to toe new growth I let my shit grow out I’m the chick that your babygirl know

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