
Jumping Off The Cliff Analysis

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“Some Thoughts About Art, America And Jumping Off The Cliff” is an article written by Meredith Monk. Within this article she touches on topics such as the following: Be ready for your next inspiration, when you don’t know something it’s easier to manipulate it and Jumping off the cliff, etc. For starters, “Be ready for your next inspiration” literally means to be prepared for your next adventure. Secondly, Monk says. “When you don’t know something it’s easier to manipulate it” signifies the fact that people will obtain advantage of you if you lack knowledge, experience or resources that they have. Lastly, the metaphor “Jumping off the cliff” is not a literal statement, she doesn’t literally mean jumping off a cliff she simply means take risks and experience life. Most importantly, the two subjects that grasped my attention were Manipulation and the principle of being ready for the next inspiration simply because she provided an exceedingly valid approach for these topics. Meredith Monk is an American composer, performer, director, vocalist, filmmaker and choreographer. Monk was born on November 20th, 1942 in New York, NY. She was exposed to music and dance at an early age simply because on both sides of her family there were musical people. Later, her mother enrolled her in Dalcroze Eurhythmics classes which are courses that taught movement through music. These courses heavily impacted Monk because since then she has always thought of those two concepts as one unified subject. She is identified as one of the most distinctive and influential artists. in addition, she was one of the first enterprises of extended vocal techniques (an advanced way of utilizing singing to create precise sounds that are unusual to singing domains). Likewise, Meredith also, was one of the first enterprises of Interdisciplinary performance, which are performances that are combined with at least one other regulation in a way that affects them respectively and forms a compound. Furthermore, Monk assembled her reputation by the stretching of her voice, enthusiasm, raps (speaking in a harsh sounding voice), and primitive wordless yowls. Her musical background and reputation gives her authority to speak on this because she is the one

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