
Jum Jr, And Delanie: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

It was 5:00 P.M September 8th, 2015 and I was in the corner of my living room when all of the sudden…
My mom’s hand was holding a T.V. remote. The other was holding a phone.
As I saw the remote fly through the air, I knew that I was going to be in a world of hurt.
“This kid is a monster!” said my mother.
“Grammy please help!” I screamed.
My grandmother was on the phone with my mom and she could hear everything…
The next day I woke up, did not eat breakfast, and walked outside. When I got to school, I went through the normal routine of sitting on the bench outside of school for two of my friends Alex, who I called Jum Jum Jr, and Delanie. We spoke about what goes on within our lives and I told them what happened the previous night

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