
Julius Caesar Political Structure Analysis

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Head(Political Figures): Julius Caesar followed the same path as many dictators before him, yet to be followed by many dictators after and gained political and personal support through climbing the governmental latter and gaining as much power as possible. He used his power to introduce Rome to the imperialistic ideas and claimed vast territories for Rome. Augustus/Octavian claimed power after Caesar and transformed Rome from the republic it claimed to be to the empire it truly was. Heart: Religious Beliefs The Romans had a polytheistic belief system consisting of the same twelve main deities as the Greeks. In the fifth century BCE, Constantine converted Western Rome which was the Byzantine Empire to Christianity making the Vatican State in Rome with superior power to the government. Spine: Political Structure Throughout Roman history, the most prominent question pertaining to political structure is whether it is a republic, an empire, or a dictatorship. The official government of rome was a Republic in which two members of the upper class, or patricians, were elected as Senators for a year long term and had a system of checks and balances to ensure a balance of power. However, Senators such as Julius Caesar and Augustus were able to work around the laws regarding government to become all powerful emperors. Their governmental control was directly related to their prestige as generals and their abilities to conquer land. Hands: Art, Architecture & Tech. Advances The

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