
Julius Caesar: Hero Or Villain

Decent Essays

In William Shakespeare’s nonfictional play written in 1599, Julius Caesar is betrayed and killed by his most beloved companions for his power over Rome. Brutus, a comrade of Caesar, is convinced by Cassius that Caesar does not deserve that tremendous amount of power and pride. By Brutus’s jealousy towards Caesar, he claims that Caesar is not worthy of being crowned king of Rome because he will be too powerful, and that could change a human to turn into a vile person, or become a dictator. Brutus declares the only way to end this “upcoming reign of terror” is to kill Caesar. Brutus is a villain because, he murdered Julius Caesar to gain power over Rome. Cassius claims in Julius Caesar that Caesar has many weaknesses and is inadequate of being king of Rome. In Cassius’s speech he says to Brutus “I was born free as Caesar, so were you”(2.2.8). Cassius …show more content…

However, all the things Cassius claims about Caesar are absurd. The things Caesar is incapable of are just human incapabilities. In general, some humans have weakness, but that doesn’t certainly make them weak individuals. Julius Caesar was a prestigious military leader who played a critical role in the rise of the Roman Empire. Also, he led Rome to countless victories, making them of the strongest empires at that time period. Antony reminds the people during his funeral speech, “when that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept”(3.2.19). Caesar was beloved by all Rome, and not with a cause, he has done many things Antony states. On the other hand, Brutus complains to the people, “crown him that; and then, I grant, we put a sting in him, that at his will he may do danger with”(2.1.6-8). Yet, from all Caesar’s accomplishments and morality, as well as refusing the crown three times, Antony cries to the people “I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse: was this ambitious? Yet Brutus says he was

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