
Julieta Banuelos Character Traits

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The first name that came to mind when I started thinking about whom I should interview was the name of Julieta Banuelos. Julieta Banuelos is my amazing fifty-year-old aunt that has been through many hardships in her life, but till this day she is the one woman you will always see with a smile on her face. I selected this particular person for this project because throughout my life I have noticed she is the one person I always look up to and turn too when I need advice. While studying the character traits of honesty, compassion, courage, patience, humility, and persistence the one person that always comes to mind has been my aunt Julieta. I selected her not only because she has persuaded me to live my life with some of her good character traits …show more content…

My aunt and uncle owned a small Mexican food restaurant, which was managed by my uncle Abel. The problem was that my aunt did not know anything about running a business because she had always been a stay home mom. My uncle was in rehab and she had two children and a house to provide for. Money was beginning to become a problem because she was living off of her credit cards and the business they owned was near the point of bankruptcy. Instead of being easily discouraged about being a single mother having to provide for her children while her husband is in rehab she was determined to work hard in order to succeed in life. She says, “I got up the next morning and step myself the goal of being patient enough to learn how to run a business and no matter what the obstacles I would have to face to never give up.” So she did, my aunt did not let her business become a total failure. She began to take one thing at a time and brought the restaurant to a point were it was winning money rather then loosing money. She put forth a lot of hard work; she would stay up late studying ways to make a business become successful, and also worked hard to keep a good relationship with her children. Even though she ran into many problems she was very strong-minded because her vision of the future was so compelling she was determined to do almost anything to make it real. Going through this experience she said, “made me become very persistent and patient on the goals I step

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