
Julian Bond Biography

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“There is a thin line between politics and theatricals” - Julian Bond, a government official, educator, and civil rights activist. Born on January 14, 1940, at the age of 25 in 1965 he was elected for Georgia’s state legislature; died on August 15, 2015 ending his journey at the age of 75 but leaving iconic history behind. Mr. Bond was born in Nashville, Tennessee. His family moved to Pennsylvania at his age of five due to the fact that his father was the first African-American president of Lincoln University. In 1957, he enrolled in Atlanta’s Morehouse College. He became a member of a committee to appeal Human Rights while still being a student. Mr. Bond hosted protests against segregation all over public places in Atlanta. Years later, in the 60’s he helped students create a nonviolent coordinating group in Raleigh, North Carolina. In 1961, he left from the college he was in to serve as an SNCC’s communication director. He held this position …show more content…

At the time when he was working with the SNCC’s he had made a statement that opposed the Americans going to the Vietnam War; this statement held him back from being sworn into his seat. This action let for the case to go to the supreme court, it also had a help from Martin Luther King Jr to create a protest. In the long run Bond’s case won the supreme court vote. Finally in 1967, he was able to take office. After eight years in the Georgia House of Representatives office, he moved on to be a Georgia senator. Julian attended the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 and was nominated to become the Vice-President. Unfortunately, Bond was too young to take that position and had to withdraw his nomination. In over a decade (1975-1988), of being in the senate he managed to pass more than 60 bills [laws]. In 1986, he ran for the U.S House of Representative, but lost to John Lewis; who was another civil right

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