
Julea Ward V. Board Of Regents Case Study

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So far, the discussion I have had the strongest reaction during, is the one that occurred after the Julea Ward v. Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University case was brought to the attention of the class. This case is an example of ethical issues which are referenced during A.11. Termination and Referral, specifically A.11.b. Values Within Termination and Referral. Ward was in direct conflict with the ACA Code of Ethics, when she referred a prospective client based on her personally held values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors against homosexuality. Even though this case occurred during 2009, it struck a chord with me because religious freedom issues have been extremely relevant in the news recently. For example, I have recently heard of at least two states, Georgia and Mississippi, that have introduced different bills to legislature surrounding the topic of religious freedom and passed them into law.
Unlike some of the other ethical topics we have discussed that I do not believe are dilemmas I will run into often as a clinician, such as …show more content…

It seems to me that people have not taken the time to educate themselves on the issue, which is why I cringed, both internally and externally, when Asif made the statement regarding homosexuality as a choice. So much research has been done and will continue to be done on this topic, that it is important as future clinicians, as well as human beings, that we stay up to date with it, in order to better understand our clients and the issues that they are faced with, which will ultimately help us be more respectful when treating them. Of course this is not the only subject where this can be applied, it can be used in the context of any issues being faced by our clients. For example, women’s right to equality, is another issue being discussed a lot recently that may come up while working with

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