
Judaism And Christianity Similarities

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Of all the world’s unique religions, Christianity and Judaism are perhaps the most similar religions we have today. This is evidently shown because they’re both religions that have similar conceptions of the nature of God, they recognise some of the same sacred texts, and have many of the same basic beliefs. However these two religions are also very different in their own particular ways which have large impacts on their way of life. Throughout this text, it will be discussed their unique differences but also their main similarities which make the religion their own.
Judaism and Christianity have many beliefs and actions that make these two religions connect in similarities. One of their main similarities in their belief in one god, which can …show more content…

The sacred text; the Old Testament or the Jewish Bible is shared by both the religions.
Christianity was founded by mainly Jesus Christ and and Paul. Neither of them were trying to start a religion, but they both wanted to deliver a powerful message related to our heavenly father. Doctrines of Christianity and understanding the death and life of Jesus came from Paul’s teachings, while Jesus was instead a foundation of christianity. To learn about how god sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to restore the broken relationship between people and god, the Christian read their holy book; the holy bible. The holy bible is one of the most popular books in the world and its divided up into an old testament and new testament. The Old
Testament records the giving of God's Law, and the New Testament shows how
Jesus the Messiah fulfilled that Law. The Christians name for god is basically just the one word; god. It is an eternal being who is transcendent and immanent, who creates and preserves all things. Their main symbol is the cross symbol which reminds them that Jesus died on the cross for his people. The Christians usually praises god in music, speech, readings and prayers in churches or cathedrals. …show more content…

Lastly, two of the main holy sites for Christians is the city of Bethlehem where Jesus was born and Nazareth which was the home town of Jesus.
Judaism’s main founder was Moses who lead jews out of slavery in Egypt and lead them to the holy land. However jews can trace their history back as far as Abraham, where jews trace their decent. Their holy book is the torah which is the first five books of the old testament or Pentateuch. There god that is most used in the
Hebrew bible is tetragrammaton. They also believed that Jesus was the messiah and their was only one god who created the universe and only he controlled it.
The symbol that jewish people use is the star of David which represents high holy days. Many of these symbols can be seen in a synagogue which is Judaism’s place of worship were their purpose of prayer is. Their view on Jerusalem is that it is the central city of judaism since 1000BC and the city becomes the focus of three pilgrimages each year for 1000’s of jews celebrating festivals. Abraham also has a large impact on the jews because he is the founding father of the covenant, the special relationship between jewish people and god. Lastly their holy sites

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