
Judaic Monotheism And The Christian Worldview

Decent Essays

In this assignment we as the students were asked to explain how Judaic monotheism and the Classical Greek Elements including the Platonic inheritance, has influenced the development of the Christian Worldview.
Firstly I believe that a clear description should be allocated to break up and describe the following:
- Judaic Monotheism
- The Classical Greek elements
- Platonic Inheritance
- And finally, how all these have influenced the development of Christian Worldviews

Firstly, what is Judaic monotheism? Monotheism is a style or following of religious belief that asserts the existence of only a single God. This may seem easy to understand, but different religions interpret this in different ways.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are considered to be today’s modern monotheistic religions; however they don’t explain their form of “monotheism” in the same way as the others. …show more content…

However, the beliefs and practices of Judaism center on two writings - the Torah and the Talmud. The Torah is made up of the first five books of the Bible, what Christians call 'the Old Testament.' The Talmud is the comprehensive collection of interpretation of the Torah's scriptural writings.
What these sacred texts reveal is that adherents of Judaism believe in the existence of one God. They hold that there is exactly one God, who has always existed, and who is responsible for the creation of everything and everyone. God is unique, God is all-knowing, and all prayer should be directed specifically towards God. (Yelnick, J. Monotheism in Judaism: Definition &

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