
Jon Nguyen On Space Exploration

Satisfactory Essays

On May 9, 2016, i watched the TED Talk of Jon Nguyen, a NASA researcher working for the jet propulsion laboratory. He explains how this new tool that he developed for NASA will help people explore and learn the history and get a better understanding of outer space and our solar system. Specifically, he explains that you can learn a whole lot and basically read the solar system from this program. As he said, “There's a whole story to tell here. And even better, because it's an interactive application, you can tell the story for yourself. If you want to pause it, you can pause it. If you want to keep going, if you want to change the camera angle, you can do that,...” Although some people may believe that this 3-D program may render useless to the finding out the enriched history of space travel, Nguyen insisted that you can learn the whole story of space exploration. He stated you can zoom in on planets, or get a glimpse of satellites orbiting Earth and even satellites in deep space.. In addition, he says …show more content…

In my view, space exploration is the most fascinating thing and that people should learn more about. In addition, outer space is one of the few places we don't have answers on and has scientists all over the world hypothesizing it and posung theories. Some might object to this program being irrelevant, of course, on the grounds that the simulation does not tell you every single little detail about a planet or satellite. Yet i would argue that this program does however give you a better understanding of how gravity works, how vast space actually is, and how satellites were back in the day. It is like looking into a time capsule or looking into the future, however and whatever you want to learn. Overall, i believe that this 3-D program will not only educate, but intrigue millions of children all over the world, and further develop them in the STEM

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