
Johnson Case

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Johnson and Johnson price to operating profits is 19.69. This ratio is quite difficult to interpret because the utilization of net income could be calculated in different way, modifying the final result of the ratio. In order to calculate the net income, I used the gross income minus operating expenses minus depreciation and amortization. All this number are quite ease to manipulate in the statements of the companies, therefore, the use of this ratio to invest is risky. The average price to operating profits ratio of the pharmaceutical industry is 17.80, indicating a lower number of operating profit comparing with JNJ ratio. (Valuation Ratios, 2016)
Dividend Discount Model

The dividend discount model is used to calculate the present value …show more content…

These factors are not reflected in the dividend discount model of JNJ, therefore, the figures of the model need to be analyzed prudently.

Free Cash Flow Valuation

The main goal of the paper is provided recommendation about Johnson and Johnson and Intel Corporation in order to invest in the short tern, therefore, the calculation of the free cash flow just use one year, producing results more incurables for short tern investors.
The free cash flow valuation captures the fundamental drivers of the business such as the cost of equity, cost of debt or growth rate.
In order to obtain the total business value (free cash flow to firm), the free cash flows of the next year were divided by the weight average cost of capital minus the expected growth of the company. The number obtained was 1,409,8411.8 US dollars, the number shows how Johnson and Johnson will perform next year according to the free cash flow.
On the other hand, the business equity value (free cash flow to equity) was 108,030.33 US dollars. This number is a great indicator of the amount of money that JNJ produces and it could be distributed to the …show more content…

Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is increasing the profit margin yearly, when the growth is steady and the intellectual property rights are really favorable for the industry in order to maintain the performance.
The return relative valuation shows solid ratios similar to the industry, therefore the investment on the company do pay back on the short tern. The dividend discount model indicates that the stock price of Johnson and Johnson is overvalued using both models. This is the only critical area were JNJ shows weaknesses. However, as was mentioned before, the dividend discount model does not incorporate to the calculus the brand value or financials measures.
Lastly, the free cash flow valuation od the company denotes the strongly perspective for the coming

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