
John Updike's A & P

Decent Essays

John Updike’s short story A&P is about a boy who’s 19 years old called Sammy, employed at a small town market. He impetuously quits his job as a cashier at the market in protest of the store manager’s treatment of three scantily-clad girls from the “better” part of town who wander in – and the seeming emptiness of this futile gesture. It’s obvious, from the beginning of the short story, the class and social distinctions among the characters.
Because Marxist critics is based on Karl Marx and his theories of the economic, political, and social oppression of the working class by the middle and upper classes, Marxist literary criticism of "A & P" pays attention to the oppression that Lengel, the store manager, exercises on the girls and Sammy and Sammy’s assumption about class and power. …show more content…

He criticizes elderly people for buying so much pineapple juice when he
Speculate about, “What do these bums do with all that pineapple juice?” (Updike 296).
Sammy sees that Queenie is buying “Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream: 49¢,”and his impression of her changes (Updike 297). He starts imagining “her living room,” and the Kingfish Fancy world she lives in full of men “standing around in ice-cream coats and bow-ties” and women “in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks off a big glass plate … holding drinks the color of water with olives and sprigs of mint in them” (Updike 297). At this moment, the influence of class system become so apparent in the story as Sammy starts to feel inferior to Quennie.
This was obvious when Lengel finally notices the girls as they attempt to check out, he reprimands them for being dressed indecently which contradict with the store policy. Queenie replies:
"We are

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