
John The Savage Soma

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Soma is a very prolific drug in the society of the World State. Soma is used because it gives people a high without any negative side effects. It is used to make people go into their own happy worlds to escape any problems they may be feeling. They are taught through hypnopaedia as a child to take soma whenever they may have any unpleasant feelings. Gramme sized tablets are handed out every day to everyone. In the real world, it is known that soma was a drug used during rituals by Indian people to get into a hypnotic state. It is not know what soma was made of, and it continues to remain a mystery. Likely candidates, individual or mixed, are cannabis, Ephedra, a fermented alcoholic drink, Syrian rue, rhubarb, ginseng, opium, and/or wild chicory …show more content…

John grew up in a Savage Reservation in New Mexico, but he was of a different breed than the rest of his peers. His mother and father were from the World State in London (Huxley 118). His mother, named Linda, was left behind after a storm occurred during a visit to the reservation, forcing her to stay. Unfortunately for Linda, she was pregnant at the time of the storm, so she birthed John nine months later (Huxley 96 and 97). John’s differences from his peers made him an outcast in his society. Although he was an outcast, John still followed the beliefs and morals of his reservation. Those such beliefs and morals are very similar to the modern beliefs and morals, so he had many conflicts. During a visit by Bernard and a friend of Bernard named Lenina, John was invited to be brought back with them to the World State in London. He agreed and went with them when they went back to London (Huxley 138). When John arrived in London, he was almost entirely unmoved by the technological advances of the society, but he found the ethics and morals of the society to be repulsive (Huxley 158). John attempted to create a relationship with Lenina according to principles that Lenina did not follow such as having only one person or waiting until marriage to have sex. Lenina, a very beautiful woman, did not want to follow these rules. She approached John while nude and attempted to engage in sexual acts with him, but he would not let himself sin against God. He pushed her away, traumatized, and they never met again because after that, John was sent away to an island so that he wouldn’t corrupt the conditioning of others (Huxley 243). On the island, John lived very peacefully butt punished himself for the impure thoughts of Lenina that he would have by whipping himself. Unfortunately for John, he was recorded whipping himself. That recording would become a popular “feely,” a movie that involves

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