
John The Baptist Essay

Decent Essays

The next section tucked in between part one and two is very different stylistically and most likely written by a different author than the one who wrote the majority of the prologue, this section is written more like a historical retelling opposed to the poetic style used in most of the prologue. During this section, John the Baptist emerges. In the fourth gospel, John the Baptist has an important role in being a witness for Jesus, and leading the way for Jesus into the world. John the Baptist’s role was to prepare the world for Jesus and to testify to him being the light. The author also makes a very intentional point to remind the reader the John the Baptist was not the light, he came only to testify to the light, not be the light. While reading this gospel as a two part drama, this section is very important. The author seems to go out of his way to try to clarify John the Baptist’s purpose. The author’s intention to specify that John the Baptist was not the messiah and only a witness to the messiah, could have likely been a technique to influence the surrounding groups at the time who believed that John the Baptist was the messiah. This could be used to present John the Baptist in a different way than they had seen before, and written in a way that would help show them who John the Baptist really was, and what his purpose truly was.
In the verses 1-8, the author/authors are explain who exactly the light of the world is, they testify …show more content…

The prologue of the Fourth Gospel is a theological summary of the gospel story as a whole. It tells the story of creation, the grace given to Israel through the law, the perfecting or replacing grace of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s revelation of God the Father. It tells the story how the life of Jesus Christ exclaimed the loving actions of God, saving humanity through the outpour of inexplicable

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