
John Steinbeck Flight

Decent Essays

In his short story Flight, John Steinbeck tells the tale of a young man who is unprepared to face the harsh forces of nature. While Pepe believes he is a man, there are still many responsibilities that he is not prepared to handle. Although there are many different factors that slowed his progress, it is nature that ultimately hindered his journey. Nature as an infection impeded his journey when Pepe left a severe wound untreated. Leading up to this event, Pepe was struck in the hand by a piece of granite caused by a ricocheting bullet. Pepe was already weakening from dehydration and starvation, and this infection only worsened his chances of survival. Attempting to clean the infection caused great pain and agony for Pepe, so much that “he …show more content…

The lack of water once he lost his horse left him dehydrated and confused. While already struggling from starvation and an infected arm, the lack of water only made his condition worse. Soon, the effects hit Pepe hard as he struggled to travel anywhere without cover, water, or food. While he did survive for a while, the thirst reached him when “His throat was almost closed with thirst. At first he tried to run, but immediately he fell and rolled” (Steinbeck 154). This action is significant at this point in the story because his lack of water was affecting his senses and causing him to fall when walking. He became so desperate to find water that Pepe begins to eat mud hoping that there would be water inside it. This however, allowed him to think of a way to find water by soaking it up with his shirt. Finding another way reveals Pepe’s creativeness in certain ways. Throughout his short story Flight, John Steinbeck introduces many different factors that halt Pepe’s journey, although it is nature that ultimately hinders his journey. At the end of his journey, Pepe returns to humanity, only to have his face covered up by the rocks. The forces of nature are harsh and unpredictable, and will never be chained by a mere

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