
John Simpsons Vision For The Museum Essay

Decent Essays

Today’s visit to the museum was exciting! Having the opportunity to see John Simpsons vision for the museum in its current state, and knowing we could influence the design is a golden opportunity from my perspective. What this signaled was Amsterdam, when talking of flow and influence of language and historical content. I knew when I first saw the Seuss advertisement, I had my eye on a few of them. However, as a dyslexic person writing, and applying for all three, last minute I wrote for research on his life. For me the biggest connection was museum flow, and space usage in different highlighted sections .As research continues I’m wanting to link preexisting infrastructure together. Conversations regarding revitalize Springfield downtown even if it means putting a brand that included the city of Seussville. Contemplating Seuss as a major attraction, drawing people to Springfield drawing in new sources of revue, would be a major benefit to the city and attract perspective business startups. Given what I know so far, Seuss would like incorporating social issues into this project.
Spending time in meetings, hearing the perspective desired changes the city, is making, the aim is to make Springfield an attraction city. Dr.Seuss incorporation of these potential changes could therefore increase tourist levels. Coming back from Amsterdam, one aspect of the museum’s details would need hand held devices programmed with language translations. Furthermore, increasing technology to

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