
John Proctor's Lies In The Crucible

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John Proctor is hesitant about protesting against Abigail because he's worried how God and people will perceive him. Abigail and John Proctor had an affair. Reverend Hale asked John Proctor to recite the Ten Commandments while stating the Ten Commandments John forgot one. John Proctor will not testify against Abigail's lies because she will tell the court about their affair together. Mary Warren told John this and act two.In the Puritan time, adultery was serious and you would have been prosecuted or humiliated in front of the town. This leads to Elizabeth's trial because John won't testify to save her. In conclusion, John Proctor will not speak against Abigail because the way people will perceive him and how God will perceive him. Puritans

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