
John Proctor Pride Quotes

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The play about a wicked society who are deceiving and vengeful, the town of Salem is impacted by wicked, deceiving men or women as innocent people die in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible. In this play, a man named John Proctor tries to help his friends after he has an affair with Abigail, who is now trying to kill everyone by hanging them to be with John. After being with Abigail, John then is motivated to try to support not just his wife but his friends this motive is what prompts John to hang and this creates a deeper play and makes John the most important character in the play. But at the end, his pride destroys him because he does not want to sully his name, not just trying to help his friends in an extreme manner that John is prone to doing. …show more content…

John is tested and he replies with extremism. This is seen when he speaks “I say I say God is dead” (Miller, 111). This suggests that God does not live in Salem and that everyone in Salem are immoral people. His extreme nature can also be seen when he says “I hear the boot of Lucifer I see his filthy face! And it’s my face and yours, Danforth” (111). When he says this he is assuming everyone has Lucifer in them that all these people are not genuine people that they are devils. In this play, John Proctor is also a brave man. this is confirmed when quoted “you bring down heaven and raise up a whore” (111). Saying this in front of all the people in the court to Abigail was a brave move for John. John also can be regarded acting brave when he says “I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem, vengeance is walking Salem” (77). This is brave to say because he is calling out all of the people in the court that are upon

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