
John Muir And Pinchot Analysis

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Both John Muir and Gifford Pinchot aimed to protect North American wilderness due to unregulated land development but form different perspectives. John Muir is one of the key figure to promote the idea of preservation. (Bulkan J., 2016) In his understanding wilderness offers people an opportunity to revisit and experience nature away from busy city lives. (Difference Between Conservation and Preservation., 2011) The purpose of preservation is to restore wilderness by advocating federal national protection. For example, the formation of the first American national park – Yosemite National Park in 1864. The way it works is to have a place without any human activities to further disturb the ecosystem. He believes in anthropocentric view which means that nature …show more content…

However, indigenous people lose their traditional territory because of the restrict rules. They were no longer allowed to live in that land. Different from John Muir, Pinchot embraced the idea of conservation which is a mechanism for wise and sustainable management of natural resources for economical purpose. (Bulkan J., 2016) He mainly focused on timber production and protection of water resources. (Bulkan J., 2016) However, he believed human should use resources in a way that provide the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest time. Therefore, it is more sustainable for the future generation. Form my perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than Muir. Because he did not claim protection and deny nature has its own inherent value. Pinchot has three principles when it comes to conservation: conservation for sustainable development, efficiency and equity. (Bulkan J., 2016) Conservation in some other words stands for development. Form my perspective, Pinchot was more anthropocentric than Muir. Because he did not claim protection and deny nature has its own inherent

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