
John Maynard Keynes And The New Deal During The Great Depression

Decent Essays

John Maynard Keynes was an economist instrumental in the theories that aided in the construction of the New Deal during the great depression. He believed that it was appropriate for government to use tax and spend policies in order to stimulate the government. He felt that by using this fiscal policy it would keep the country out of a recession or depression. Beings it is an election year, and the economy affects everyone in the country, I wanted to look into the Keynes theories and discover if it is necessarily a good economic choice. In reading a thesis written by Richard A. Epstein he states, “President Barack Obama may be in the thrall of Keynesian economics, or perhaps just captured by the labor unions. But either way, any move to a larger governmental role in planning or stimulating the economy is likely to make the current recession deeper and the recovery slower than they ought to be.[1] This statement was interesting to me because as a small business owner, I do not like the role that government plays in businesses. For instance, the rules, regulations and …show more content…

Sound institutions will boost confidence across the board and encourage investment so long as no one has to factor into the equation the huge levels of gratuitous uncertainty that stem from useless government intervention. We have to accept that external circumstances will create good and bad times. No economic theory can ward off hurricanes, disease, or war, even if sound social institutions can contain some of their adverse effects. But the purpose of government is not to eliminate all the uncertainties of nature and politics. It is to not add to the confusion by creating baroque structures of taxation, regulation, and government spending that add fresh layers of uncertainty through mechanisms that expend real resources in order to reduce social output.

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