
John Locke's Second Treatise Of Civil Government

Decent Essays

John Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government has a clear explanation between the laws of society and the laws of nature. Not only does Locke explain his side, so does Hobbes. They both have similarities and their differences. Locke was trying to get the point across that through the state of nature, men should be governed by reason. In contrast, the Ends of Political Society states that men can punish or get punished if they violate any rule based on the State of Nature. Therefore, the authors intent was to show that reason is the law of nature. Every man’s was born in the same state. This means that every man is equal, born the same way regardless of their privileges or advantages. The historical context of this is that when John Locke published the treatise, the Glorious Revolution had occurred two years before it was written. Also, the Declaration of Independence played a contribution to the Treatises. Locke was inspiration to Jefferson when he was writing the Declaration of Independence (Uzgalis, 2012). Both of their ideas of natural law were quite similar. …show more content…

For example, with natural law, Locke believed that humans know right from wrong, whereas Hobbes believe that through the state of nature, people don’t know what simply is theirs (Corbett, 2009). “ It has been showed how for Locke, the state of nature is a state ruled by the law of nature, which is represented by reason. Hobbes conceives the state of nature as a state of war for itself, in which natural law is established only after a process of reasoning which leads men to the conclusion that they must seek peace” (Corbett, 2009). They’re both quite different, but still end in peace or reason. Hobbes just takes a different route with his view, but it still ends up in the same place as

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