I think John Locke’s idea makes more sense because his beliefs match up with mine. He believes that war should not be used unless it’s the last possible option we have, and that’s what I think too. If two parties are in an argument, then they should do everything that they can do to talk it out and let it remain nonphysical, but if it comes down to self-defense, then yes by all means, fight back! I think the only reason that you should resort to violence is when the other party does first.
In Document A, John Locke states “Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy.” and that is very true. You can tell by this document that John Locke was a strong christian. He wants to honor God in everything he does. We were in no way put on this
Locke had a very different feeling than did Hobbes about government. Locke felt that there should not be a monarch to rule people. He felt that citizens should be heard, there should more of a chance for common people to have a choice in the way their country is run. He thinks that a republic is the best choice. In document eight Immanuel Kant supports Locke’s idea because he said, “‘Have the courage to use your own reason...' nature has long since discharged them from external direction, nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage…”What Kant meant by that is that even after people were set free from monarchy they still felt and acted as if they still had no say in anything and that they were afraid to speak their mind.
You need to be able to actively listen and come to a compromise from this, and above all try to avoid accusations.
him to no other book than the New Testament.” This phase alone gives great insight to the beliefs of John Locke.
Couples also have to be able to resolve problems without it ending with them not speaking to each other for days on end. One must be mature in these situations and lay down both sides of the argument and come to a solution. Sometimes for us men though, even if we are right in the argument, you have to admit you’re wrong. At the
This essay is going to about the views of John Locke and why I agree with
John Locke’s quote can be interpreted in many different ways. One of my interpretations: a person can tell a man that he is wrong, however it is different than teaching him what is right. It can also be interpreted as followed: telling a man that he is in the wrong is not the same as directing him in the right path.
Locke: Locke’s belief was that humans started as Tabula rasa or (blank slates) and over gradual time acquired knowledge through experiences. So to him, education was an important civilizing force. Also he believed that it was the government’s responsibility to enforce and maintain the laws.
When would you like to resolve the issue? How would you like to resolve the issue? You can always talk through any issues. Make sure the person knows and believes that you are there for them.
John Locke believed that there will be laws of nature, and every individual gets to decide. John Locke states “A state with perfect freedom.. within the bounds of the law of nature.” That connects to the fact of individual rights, its up to the individual to decide whether to do the bad thing
In 1693, John Locke published a book titled: Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Three key themes addressed in the piece are the development of self-discipline through esteem and shame rather than force or reward; the importance of developing good character; and the prominence of developing reason in a child by treating the child as a rational entity.
The difference that stands out most to me, their philosophies on the way children need be taught, and treated as children. I do see that most of these philosophies coincide with the belief system that most of us have, and have not changed much after all these years.
In the other hand,I consider the disagreement a stronger reason to fight for because it can be danger.Than again it can also be a better way to be safe when it comes to being in public.In addition,you never know what anyone is capable of and but,at the end
In order to understand Locke’s theory, it is necessary to understand what he believed knowledge was. He did not support
Communicate with the parties involved to seek and provide feedback on conflict and its resolution:
Needless to say, Locke’s view of man was more more light. He believed that man needed more leeway. He believed that humans needed a chance to govern themselves before someone