
John F Kennedy Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

John F. Kennedy’s Visions of an
Improved Way of Life in America
In the election year of 1960, two very qualified candidates, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, each with very different views of the world fought to win the hearts of Americans. One specific advertisement narrated by John F. Kennedy was able to do just that. He captured the hearts of millions ranging from young to old, black to white, rich to poor. John F. Kennedy had many opinions on current American issues and new ideas on how to fix these ongoing problems, in ways Americans could unify and work together. Although there was tough competition during the 1960’s campaign, Kennedy used many different appeals to win the hearts of Americans; he had many logical statistics, emotional …show more content…

At the beginning of his advertisement he had a narrator voice that “he has been direct, specific, facing the issues squarely. Meets the challenges of the 60’s, offers new American leadership for the country, for the world.” Citizens for Kennedy (1960). He explains that he will be the president for the unfinished business of society, and advocate for his people. His approach was to make himself appear honest, and supporting of the people in his country. The only comment he made towards Nixon, was “If we want our country to stay the same, and the country feels it is as good as it will get, and everyone is achieving a better life, I absolutely agree everyone should vote for Mr. Nixon.” Citizens for Kennedy (1960). This was a subtle way to prove to people that he was the better presidential candidate, without being hateful or degrading to the other party. He also made an ethical stance towards the elderly community when he explained, “Americans over the age of 65 who live on an average social security check of seventy eight dollars a month cannot sustain themselves individually, but they can sustain themselves through the social security system. I don’t believe in big government, I believe in effective government action.”Citizens for Kennedy (1960) .Throughout his speech he very effectively recognized many different types of Americans and the different ways he would like to improve their current social-economic

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