
John F Kennedy And Hamlet Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Topic: Choose one of the element in the three major texts (Agamemnon, Hamlet, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” and John F. Kennedy’s Secret Society Speech). Explain the similarities and differences as you compare the development in each work of your chosen element." Thesis Statement: Tragedy was a source of entrainment back from the Ancient Greece that was written to tell a story and to pull audiences into feeling remorse, pity and to help them gain an appropriate response about the protagonist. Hamlet, Agamemnon, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” are comparable pieces of literature that shares a similar element of Hamartia. Mapping Scheme (Your main points): The similarity between these three plays is that they all have the inability to make a correct decision …show more content…

Alfred Prufrock” by the protagonists. Evidence (Your sources, quotations, etc.): Hamlet; “Haste me to know 't, that I, with wings as swift As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge”. Agamemnon; “Apollo there! Healer indeed, I call on you, lest [Artemis] make contrary winds for the Danaans, long delays that keep the ships from sailing, in her urge for a second sacrifice, one with no music, no feasting, an architect of feuds born in the family (…)” (Clytemnestra): "Now your sentence is my exile from the city, and to have the townsmen's hatred and the people's spoken curse, although earlier you made no opposition to Agamemnon here. He took no special account, just as if it were the death of an animal from his teeming woolly flocks of sheep, when he sacrificed his own daughter, the darling of my womb, as a spell against Thracian winds. Is he not the one you should have driven from the land in penalty for

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