
John Duns Scootus Comparison Essay

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Love is often a word mistreated by most people. Now days, the word love is thrown around so much, it has lost its meaning. People forget why we are living, breathing humans today. People forget about the sacrifices made for the sins we acted out. People forget about the love that God has for us. It is easy to misinterpret the meaning of God’s love. Human love and God’s love are two different things. The love from the Lord is invincible and no human can come close to that type of love. God created mankind because He loved humanity.
John Duns Scotus was a Franciscan theologian that had different beliefs among many people. Many Catholic’s believe that the incarnation happened because Adam and Eve sinned; however, John Duns Scotus disagreed. He believed that the incarnation would have happened regardless if any sins had taken place or not. This all adds up to one word that would lightly explain God as a whole: love. God loved humanity, God loved all people. Everything God did was because of love. The incarnation was predetermined. John Duns Scotus’ view of thinking is based on love, not sin. He says that God loves us first and then redeems us from our sins. God spent six days on the creation of the world. Though, six days to …show more content…

The Israelites were cornered at the Red Sea, with nowhere else to go. Moses tells the Israelites not to fear and that the Lord will help them. Moses is given the power by God to divide the sea in half. The Israelites cross the Red Sea safely while the Egyptians that followed were immediately drowned as the sea came together again. It was proven that God put up a constant fight for the Israelites, never giving up for them because of His love for them. He fought for their survival and well-being. The Lord told them He was their healer, as long as they continued to express their love to Him and listen to Him and His

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