
John Brown Transcendentalism

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Henry Wise, governor of Virginia is faced with an impossible choice. Now that the courts have condemned John Brown to death for his charges of” “treason, murder and inciting a slave insurrection,” (Davidson 148) he is torn between condemning the violence, granting a pardon to prevent more violence, or thirdly, granting a pardon on the account of his insanity. Many citizens of Virginia feared that Mr Brown was a precursor to the imminent onslaught of northern abolitionist “fanatics” and threatened to lynch Brown if he was freed. Other northern abolitionists threatened to assemble an army to free Brown from the prison; in the words of Fernando Wood, mayor of New York City, his death would create a “martyr whose execution would only deepen passions …show more content…

It polarized the nation on the issue as, “the shouts of angry men overwhelmed the voices of compromise.” (Davidson 150) Even the North cast strong opposition to the raid; Abraham Lincoln and William Seward both condemned him and the Republican Party censured the raid. Others, like transcendentalists called him a noble hero. Henry David Thoreau called him a “heroic man of action;” Ralph Waldo Emerson called him a “saint;” another, Horace Greeley, called the raid “the work of a madman” but also applauded his efforts. Talks of secession gained strength who argued “the South’s salvation lay in expunging all traces of Northern influence.” (Davidson …show more content…

During the elections of 1859, to protect the Republican party from Democratic attacks, they were forced to refer to Brown as insane. By these concepts, these affidavits are nearly useless in the question of Brown’s sanity. Brown repeatedly “demonstrated he knew the consequences of his actions; that he would be arrested and punished if caught and that large portions of American society would condemn him” (Davidson 157). Then, from the court’s standpoint, Brown was fit to stand trial and was “sane and clear headed,” even if he may seem overzealous at

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